Hey everyone! how are you? ^^
I've just realized Blogspot has no smilies =( I guess I'll have to add a few in my images list to put them here and make my updates cuter hahahaha
Yesterday, I was able to start a new book. FINALLY ! !
I've been doing many differents things lately, but none of them is to read a book teehee~
I started reading "Angelology" by Danielle Trussoni, and I'm enjoying it so far ^ w ^
The other things I've been doing? Playing World of Warcraft and going to the gym.
Yeah, maybe it's not that much, but WoW can steal your life if you don't pay attention :P
I really missed reading, so I'm happy haha
Well, other than that, my life is not that busy...
My social life is pretty dead actually >___<
I really need to meet my friends and go out for drinks and dance hahaha
Hope that's happening this weekend...
Bye ! !