
My healthy social life is back!

Hi y'all~

I'm so happy today!!

After having a hard time with exams and such, I've been able to go out with my friends ^ 3 ^

I met Aida and Andrea (the first 2 friends I got in Madrid!!) and we went to VIPS for lunch. One of the best places to eat!!

We spent there almost 5 hours!!

We also checked some stores. We found 'Dora the Explorer' stuff and we had fun posing like her and her monkey...

I'm the monkey LOL!!!

I also wanted to get some body milk for dry skins. My skin always gets dry when I'm here in Madrid. I guess it's because of the dry weather... it's annoying >_____>

Tomorrow, I'm going to the cinema with my friend Laura ^__^

We gonna watch 'Friends with Benefits', starring Justiin Timberlake and Mila Kunis. It seems so funny!




Waaah~ I feel so happy today !!

Dunno why, actually haha it's a weird feeling, but I haven't felt this in a while ^_^

I feel like everything will go better from now on!!

Well, first of all, I just visited the doctor and said my eye is in great condition. It's not red and it doesn't hurt at all~

Ok, that's an awkward pic, but today, I don't care hahaha ^ 3 ^

Also, the other day, I helped my neighbour with some stuff she was doing in her house, so today she went shopping and brought me this:

Chocolate + hazelnuts = CRAZYNESS

I love it, but actually I shouldn't eat it.......................

For my own good, I should leave it and go back to the gym. I haven't been in a while already and am feeling bad with myself...

I'm a mess ( V_V)~


After the summer...

Hi there !!

So summer ended a few weeks ago for me, and I had to study a lot for my exams in September. They were really 2 terrible weeks !!

I had an infection in my left eye, it was hella creepy. The eye started tearing blood! Doctor said it was nothing serious...

WHAT? Dude, am crying BLOOD!!!

Oh well, he recommended me to wear a patch and stay in front of the PC/TV screen no more than 1 or 2 hours.

The patch was really uncomfortable though, especially for studying ( v_v)

I was around 2 or 3 days with it, but am fine now!

In other news, me and my friends were preparing a great trip to Málaga, where one of them has a house on the beach. However, all went wrong, with people arguing and such. MESS >__<

Dunno what will happen now...

Lately I've been addicted to 2 TV series, both about vampires hahahaha

One of them, "The Vampire Diaries", it's really entertaining! I love Damon, he's so kick ass!! haha

The other one is "True Blood", which is really popular nowadays. Overall, it's really weird to be honest, but I love the characters, especially Tara and LaFayette, I LOL so hard with them xD

Other than that, I have no social life right now.

Well, my BFF told me about driving karts, so we're doing it in the upcoming weeks I guess haha can't wait~

College starts in 2 weeks, and seems like this year I will have no time >___>
